Chocolate Synth Mould Stats
If you wonder if the Chocolate Synth Mould is a good crew to get here are the stats.
The Chocolate Synth Mould will create the Special Crew called Delish. Being a Special Crew this synth comes with a very powerful ability 50% Rush Command at level 40. But Delish also can do training to 100. Meaning if you put some ability training work into Delish you could probably get Delish to do 100% Rush Command.
Delish also have very high Health and Fire Resistance and his Run ability is 3, so it makes him a very fast synth and perfect for repairing rooms with the Repair ability 2.5.
Delish other stats at level 40 are as follows:
HP: 13
Attack: 3
Repair: 2.5
Ability: 50
Stamina (UNTRAINED): 0
Walk: 2
Pilot: 15
Science: 15
Engine: 25
Weapon: 25
Fire Resistance: 50
Run: 3
Description: A quick-set chocolate case housing a sugary Synth. Sweet!
Type: Consumable
Subype: Artifact
- 1 x Chocolate Synth Head
- 1 x Chocolate Synth Body (150x Carrotene)
- 4 x Sentient Chocolate Bar (400x Carrotene)
Market Price: Cannot be traded on marketplace.
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